Grant Application
This policy should be read by anyone seeking a grant from the charity
1. A grant is any payment made by Saltash Scrapstore to be used by an organisation to support the objects of Saltash Scrapstore. These objects are:-
To advance arts and crafts in particular but not exclusively by:
a) facilitating the use and provision of recycled, scrap or surplus materials as a creative resource to adults and children with the aim of improving their social welfare and conditions of life; and mental health and wellbeing; and by
b) inspiring individual and group creativity for the public benefit and for the benefit of the environment.
To protect and preserve the environment for the public benefit in particular but not exclusively by:
a) promoting recycling, use of recycled products and the use of surplus or scrap; and by
b) advancing the education of the public about waste recycling and use of surplus or scrap.
2. Saltash Scrapstore has limited funds available for grants. In general grant applications should be under £1000 but higher applications will be considered
3. Applications should be made using the Grant application form (Appendix 1).
4. Applicants will be advised in writing whether the application was successful. If unsuccessful the applicant will be advised why the grant was rejected. There is no appeals process but applications may be resubmitted with appropriate changes.
5. Successful applicants will be given two months to apply for funding to be released. Any conditions placed on the funding will have to be met before funds are released. If the applicant wishes to extend this period, the request should be put in writing and this will be passed to the Trustees for a decision.
Declaration by the applicant
I/we declare that, to the best of my/our belief, the information given on this application form and in any enclosed supporting document is correct.
I/we declare that, I/we have read the Saltash Scrapstore Grant Policy and believe to the best of our knowledge, that we meet the criteria set out by the Policy.
I/we accept the following:
that any false information we provide, even if provided in good faith, may lead to the withdrawal of the grant offered;
that any grant offered will be used only for the purposes set out in this application;
that we will provide reports on progress at the request of Saltash Scrapstore
it is a condition of the grant that the support of Saltash Scrapstore is clearly publicised.
that should any grant offered, not be used in accordance with the terms and conditions set by Saltash Scrapstore, we undertake on behalf of the organisation to repay the outstanding amount to Saltash Scrapstore on demand.
I/we confirm that on completion of the project the following will be provided within one calendar month:
a report to Saltash Scrapstore demonstrating how the grant was used;
evidence showing how the support of Saltash Scrapstore was promoted;
NOTE: You will be notified whether your application has been successful shortly after the next monthly Scrapstore Trustee meeting.